Multitasking Scenario 3: Web Browsing

For our final benchmark, we decided to switch things up a bit and keep Firefox as our foreground application while background tasks ran.  To make things even more stressful, we had no less than 12 tabs open in Firefox, with our main tab being IGN's PSP website - which happens to be very Flash heavy. 

The iTunes and Newsleecher tasks from the first test scenario were also present in this one, plus we did the following:

Open Outlook, immediately import 130MB PST file and immediately switch app focus to Firefox.

We then recorded the total time required to import the new PST while Firefox was our foreground application.


Multitasking Performance - Scenario 3

As we discovered in our first article, the AMD platform just can't make it under this test - the load (particularly the Flash load) makes the Athlon 64 import process take well over four times as long as the import process on either of the Intel systems. 

In the Intel camp, obviously dual core wins out and by a very reasonable margin of victory.   The Pentium D 2.8 takes around 19% less time to import the PST into Outlook than the higher clocked, larger cache Pentium 4 630. 

Multitasking Scenario 2: File Compression Gaming Multitasking Scenario 1: Heavy Downloading
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  • segagenesis - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    #30 - Excuse me for trying to save money also. Last I checked Intel was still more expensive. Not to mention Extremely Expensive edition.
  • rqle - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    All i know is that i alt-tab / alt-enter to the desktop running general apps all the time while gaming. I bought two system so i can download while gaming on the other system for this very reason. To do both at the same time would cause the ftp software to go into idle state with the fastest download speed at only 8-10kb/s. I can set the ftp software at a higher priority but then it would just cripple my gaming. These dual core look very promising, but ill hold out for amd dual core.
  • GentleStream - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    I'm interested in benchmarks that would be relevant to scientific computing and software development.
    How about benchmarking a parallel compile of some non-trivial software package such as building the
    gcc compiler. That takes quite a long time on my 4 year old laptop.
  • danidentity - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    So when are the Pentium D and the new chipsets being released?

    Spill it Anand. ;)
  • Turnip - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link


    What about the fourth option? That by the time AMD's desktop dual core processor is available, Intel will have a new dual core processor available. Now, whether we're talking more than "two cores bunged on a chip", or whether we're simply talking a jacked up FSB (which has, remember, always given Intel a hefty jump in the encoding arena), I don't know. But I do know one thing...

    Intel is a very big company and Intel has very big sleeves. ;)
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link


    Good catch, the graphing engine didn't regenerate those graphs properly. Fixed now.

    Take care,
  • Questar - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    I love this, all the AMD fanboys having seizures over that fact that an Intel CPU can actually have some benefits.

    It's been a blast reading all these posts the last two days.
  • Spearhawk - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    He said that a 2.2 GHz dualcore Athlon 64 wouldn't compete with the 2.8 GHz Pentium D at encoding. Notice the encoding part, he said nothing about other stuff.
    I'm guessing one can know that by looking at dual CPU Opteron systems, the dualcore A64 won't beat them, and if they can't beat a 2.8 Pentium D then the dualcore A64 won't be able to either.

    Is there something wrong with the graphs in the DVD Shrink/Game test? The comments doesn't seem to match them (especialy the part about the minimum frame rate being equal)
  • PorBleemo - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    How do you calculate the system wattages like that? I have been attempting to find detailed information on how to do this but have turned up nothing yet.

  • Illissius - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - link

    #10 - you are quite correct. anyone who games with a processor-intensive background task running at the same time _on a single core processor_ is insane. the reason I wanted to see benchmarks is to see whether dual core changes that.
    theoretically, I don't see why it wouldn't work:
    - you only have one GPU, and only the game is using it
    - you have two processor intensive tasks - the game and the background task, and two cores, one for each
    hence, no conflict. whether that actually holds up in the real world is/was the question (if the background task is multithreaded, or heavily uses reasources other than just the processor, then naturally the above doesn't hold true).

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