Gaming Benchmarks

We have chosen two of the big gaming titles for our gaming benchmarks. All tests were done at 1024x768 both with and without 4xAA. We used the standard Demo1 for Doom 3 and the City_17_12 and Canals_08 levels within Half-life 2. The levels chosen for HL2 tend to stress the CPU and system rather than the GPU, so we felt that they were the most useful in terms of benchmarks. It should come as no surprise that the iDEQ leads the other solutions by a large margin in gaming benchmarks - at least when the GPU isn't the bottleneck.

Doom 3 Demo1

Doom 3 Demo1

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2


Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

Encoding and Network Benchmarks Noise Benchmarks
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  • Midian191 - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - link

    The latest bios version of the 210P has voltage control and bios control of the fan speed.
  • OrSin - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - link

    If you want smaller review a mini-itz systems.
    They are pretty weak, but it depends what you want to use them for.

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